Medical Tourism
It’s time to take out some time and invest on your health which is priceless, or help your near and dear ones to get out of their pain/ health issues by giving them the best of medical care through the best possible medical tours organized by us throughout the country. We care for you and that’s why we make it possible for you to have the best of treatments with the least of hassles/worries.
Ayurveda literally translates to the "science of life" or "knowledge of life "Ayur", in Sanskrit, means "life" & Veda means "science". It uses natural process of healing and rejuvenating, promoting a healthy and wholesome lifestyle. Ayurveda was born about 8000 years ago, here in the Indian subcontinent. It effectively competes with most modern medical techniques and has remedies for various diseases, while offering ways to alleviate the stress that most of us carry today.
Ayurveda works in two ways i.e. preventive and curative.
Ayurveda is primarily designed to prevent illness. It helps to strengthen the immune system and upholds general well-being of the organism. It purifies blood and brings the various organ systems into harmony with each other. This therapy for overall fitness is called Panchakarma. One of its branches, Sweda karma, comprises of massages with herbal oil, herbal powders and medicated steam. Ayurvedic herbal supplements, taken orally, maintain overall health, vigor and vitality.
The curative aspect works towards total eradication of ailment. This works by isolating the main cause of the disease and ushering it out of the body. Almost all known diseases have been treated through this technique. Some of these include Paralysis, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Slip-Disk, Diabetes, Hypertension, Sinusitis and Migraines. Since its origin, Ayurveda has spread from India and has influenced other systems of medicine, such as the Chinese Unani system. It has come to be known as the "Mother of all healing". There is an unbroken tradition of Ayurveda in India, where you can take advantage of all the classical and advanced treatments alongside natural scenic beauty which can actually take your breath away.
Theory of Ayurveda:
Ayurveda is based on the Five Great Elements theory (Panchmahabhuta). According to this theory, we are made up of fives elements which are earth, water, fire, air and ether or space. While we are a composite of these five primary elements, certain elements are seen to have an ability to combine to create various physiological functions.
Benefits of Ayurveda:
- As Ayurveda has a holistic approach towards disease, it offers improved physical, mental and psychological conditions.
- Ingredients in Ayurvedic medicine are mostly derived from herbs, plants, flowers, fruits keeping the process as chemical-free as possible.
- The side effects to Ayurvedic medicine are negligible.
- Ayurveda has been proven to be an effective cure for many chronic diseases.
- Ayurveda is guide to disease prevention by means of simple dietary and lifestyle changes.
- Ayurvedic treatment and medicines are comparatively cheaper than other systems of medicine.
- Ayurvedic therapies relieve stress and have rejuvenating effects that last for a long time.
If you would like to find out more about Ayurveda or any other treatments, please email us at